Roomie App UI/UX Case Study

Bhhavesh D
5 min readAug 19, 2021


Problem Statement


People moving from one place to another find it is difficult and frustrating to find an ideal roommate or perfect room to live in. They face many challenges at every point so it also becomes a time-consuming process.


Produce a single platform for an ideal roommate and sharing rooms which is totally safe and secure. Users and their rooms are verified. Users can also add their interests and preferences which helps them find the perfect ideal room or roommate.

Project Timeline

2 weeks, 15+ Screens.

My Role


When moving to a new city to study or for some job it can be difficult to find affordable space to move and create new ties. This platform allows you to find a new space to live shared and connect with other students and millennials who are also in the same situation.


54% of the world’s population live in urban communities, the average marriage age for men is 29 years (up from 26 decades ago) and for women is 27 years (up from 23 in the same time period). Given these trends, city dwellers tend to spend most of their 20’s living with roommates. Finding and keeping a good roommate and sharing own space, however, gets harder as more people move into cities.

User Persona

Become a roommate with a different age group is difficult everybody has their own age preferences.

Difficult to find a compatible roommate.

Privacy Issues

The user mainly focuses on a budget with a good location.

Users find it very frustrating and time-consuming process and take wrong actions later on.

User Flows

UI Design

1. Flash Screen: Flash Screen gives detailed information of how the app works and services offered to the users through systematic infographics.

2. Sign Up / Login: Before finding out any rooms or roommates user should have a verified account linked to Google or Facebook. Asking users for Email-Id, Address, Profession, and Age for better understanding of users and creating secured/safe circumstances for all kinds of users.

3. Home: Providing with selected location, recommended rooms, and places for the user as per preferences and location. If the user is new to the city then considering such a case there is also provided with nearby places and must-visit places of the town and city to explore the new city.

4. Search Bar: Search bar is included with top searches in the user’s location with extra options as places, rooms, and people.

5. Rooms: Covered with the image and with detailed information about the room in form of tags like Modern, Quite, Chilled, Relaxed, Garden, and much more helped the user to easily go through all the recommended rooms but as well as user’s own preferences with investing less amount of time to go through all the details. As well included with the contract period, Pricing(with all bills included) and the number of rooms available helps users to understand all the basic services provided by the owner. Which can be saved for going through it later.

6. Account: Even though the user is not looking for a room but actually looking for a perfect roommate who understands each other needs. For such separate screen is provided just to get in contact with perfect as per preferences roommate. Projecting simple words tags like Pet lover, Film buff, Landlord and much more helps the user to find out right person even going through these tags and also makes it easy to get in touch with each other because of verified linked account which helps to understand the person even before reaching the person through chats. Which can be liked and saved for later.

7. Forms and Filter: During the process for creating a verified account user has to go through a short form that asks basic information to the user like Profession, Education, Age, Phone number. Asking needs to user like the need for Wifi, TV, Stereo System. Parking questions like whether the user has Car, Bike, or Bicycle and whether the user has any kind of pet which later on add to the profile information. The filter is used to get what actually is the user’s choice preferences.

8. Saved: All the saved posts, profile and places are categorized in such way helps the user to go through it later on.

9. Chats: All the contacts user have within the app is provided and all chats below it. Providing separate screens for requests. As chat helps the user to understand the other user more precisely. Behance project link for better UI design.


I tried to keep it as simple as possible. I really enjoyed that phase in between the user research and problem-solving. In the end, I designed an app in Adobe XD which helps people to find their ideal roommate or perfect room. For future studies, I would like to spend more time collecting data and want to improve myself with better design skills.

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